The Black Eyed Peas

BoomBoomPowtoppedtheBillboardHot100for12weeks,makingitthegroup'sfirstnumber-onesingleonthechart.Itisthesecondlongest-runningsingle ...,BoomBoomPow-AlbumVersion-歌詞-BoomBoomPowGottagetgetgetget,getgetYoIgotthehitthatbeattheblockYoucangetthatbasso...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Boom Boom Pow

Boom Boom Pow topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 12 weeks, making it the group's first number-one single on the chart. It is the second longest-running single ...

Boom Boom Pow - Album Version-歌詞

Boom Boom Pow - Album Version-歌詞- Boom Boom Pow Gotta get get get get, get get Yo I got the hit that beat the block You can get that bass ov.

The Black Eyed Peas

REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music video for Boom Boom Pow performed by Black Eyed Peas. Follow Black Eyed Peas Instagram: ...

The Black Eyed Peas

REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music video for Boom Boom Pow performed by Black Eyed Peas. Follow Black Eyed Peas Instagram: ...


BoomBoomPowtoppedtheBillboardHot100for12weeks,makingitthegroup'sfirstnumber-onesingleonthechart.Itisthesecondlongest-runningsingle ...,BoomBoomPow-AlbumVersion-歌詞-BoomBoomPowGottagetgetgetget,getgetYoIgotthehitthatbeattheblockYoucangetthatbassov.,REMASTEREDINHD!OfficialMusicvideoforBoomBoomPowperformedbyBlackEyedPeas.FollowBlackEyedPeasInstagram: ...,REMAST...